Elya- AAS 7-27-22

Shawna- AAS 6-8-22

Luisina- AAS 6-22

Brian- The Nest 7-15-22

Scott- The Nest 9-14-22

Fruit Still Life, for the Cheltenham TAE21 @twitrartexhibit

Fruit Still Life, for the Cheltenham TAE21 @twitrartexhibit

Model- AAS 1-12-22

Modern Madonna-2, 1-27-22

Model- AAS 2022

Esteban- AAS 5-25-22

Model- The Nest 2022

Portrait-Woman, ASL 1-21-21

Onion Still Life-pastel

Onion Still Life-pastel





Flowers in Blue Vase on Pedestal-

Flowers in Blue Vase on Pedestal-

Killing the Pain

Killing the Pain

Lemon, Shallot and Shell, 2022

Bridge In The Marsh, Westport

Bridge In The Marsh, Westport

After Degas

After Degas

Goblet and Still Life - 5-31-21

Goblet and Still Life - 5-31-21

EV-1, pastel, 2005

EV-1, pastel, 2005

Rehoboth, DE- oil pastel

Rehoboth, DE- oil pastel



Portrait of Dad

Portrait of Dad

Toddler, pastel

Toddler, pastel

Self Portrait, pastel on paper, 1983

Self Portrait, pastel on paper, 1983